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Lingzhi – Blood pressure – Allergy

High blood pressure or hypertension is defined in an adult as blood pressure greater than 140 mm Hg systolic pressure or greater than 90 mm Hg diastolic pressure.

It can be dangerous. There are usually no warning signs in the early stages. Although you may not feel anything, untreated high blood pressure gradually damages your body organs.

It can also cause heart failure.

Medications reduce blood pressure quickly and keep it down. However it doesn’t cure the disease. If you haven’t improved your diet and lifestyle, your blood pressure will shoot up again when medication is discontinued.

Lingzhi is filled with triterpenes, a compound that gives the mushroom its bitter taste.

These triterpenes may help prevent hypertension and relieve the symptoms of allergies. Lingzhi is believed to help lower blood pressure and reduce allergies

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